Tea Post! Here are a few tea related items I like. First we have Hanger Tea, by designer Soon Mo Kang, clever, functional, and, well, cute. We've also got a nice little tea set by
Erez Bar-Am that attempts to inspire the slow motion and ease of traditional tea ceremonies. With a wide cozy tea cup (certainly requiring that two hand clasp, steam in your face feel) and clever little sugar packets that dissolve into the tea after about 10 seconds, you're guaranteed to get that warm and fuzzy feeling. And lastly, we've got very nicely designed tea packaging. Designed by Daria Kuzmina of the British High School of Arts and Design in Moscow, comes the fresh and vibrant design of TEASET. "
Each pack contains black tea with various naturals additives. There are 4 sublines with berries, spices, flowers and herbs. It is tea for people who likes organics and trust natural brands, harmonic and a little bit dreamy." So relax. Enjoy some tea.



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